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Câu trả lời yêu thích18%
Câu trả lời3.123
  • How does the spatial resolution of an image relate to the number of pixels in a unit of length?

    I seem to have trouble finding the answer to this. Is the spatial resolution of the image independent of the number of pixels, or is spatial resolution directly proportional to number of pixels per unit, inversely proportional, etc.?

    I feel like I recall hearing that the higher number of pixels per unit of length in an image, for example, will make for higher spatial resolution of the image, but I just wanted some sort of confirmation. Thanks in advance for any answers.

    1 Câu trả lờiEngineering1 thập kỷ trước
  • What information are you legally required to give a police officer?

    Hi, I have been looking up information on rights, laws, etc. and was wondering during a "routine" traffic stop, what information I am legally required to give the officer? Somewhere I read that the only information you have to supply an officer with is your name, address and date of birth, and was wondering if that is true.

    Also, are you obligated to answer personal questions during a routine traffic stop? Such as "Where are you going?", "Where are you coming from?", "Who are you going to meet?", "Where's the hurry?", etc. Are questions like those an appropriate time for you to exercise your fifth amendment right? Why or why not?

    Thanks in advance for all answers.

    4 Câu trả lờiLaw Enforcement & Police1 thập kỷ trước
  • What is the record for most consecutive hat tricks by a team?

    Alex Semin just got a hat trick which makes 3 games in a row with a hat trick by a Capitals player (Ovechkin/Laich/Semin) so that makes me wonder what's the longest consecutive streak for a team to have a player with a hat trick in the game? And which team and when was it?

    I could have looked this up, but I figured someone would like 10 points.

    Hail to the Redskins/Let's go Caps/Go Wizards.

    2 Câu trả lờiHockey1 thập kỷ trước
  • What did you think of the movie "Crash"?

    Specifically the one from 2004, with Matt Dillon, Sandra Bullock, Ludacris, etc. I just bought it and I'm curious as to what others thought of it?

    3 Câu trả lờiMovies1 thập kỷ trước
  • Have you ever seen anyone less happy to get a Gatorade shower?

    Did you see Nick Saban? Not even a smile.

    Hail to the Redskins/Let's go Caps/Go Wizards.

    1 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • How about Tyler Thigpen?

    What a game he's had. I was in disbelief when Kansas City didn't make him starter after last year, he did a great job of keeping them in games last season. He just threw a pick in the Miami game as I type this actually, but the fact he's done a great job with two teams now and shown he can help a team win I think shows that he should be given a chance at a starting position. I would love him to have him on my team actually. What are your thoughts on Thigpen? Would you want him on your team?

    Hail to the Redskins/Let's go Caps/Go Wizards.

    1 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • Did the Redskins get snowed in?

    I see the Giants on the field, but I don' t see anyone for them to play against...

    Hail to the Redskins/Let's go Caps/Go Wizards.

    7 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

    28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds. That is when the world

    will end.

    7 Câu trả lờiPolls & Surveys1 thập kỷ trước
  • How could I find a picture of a certain object in the sky for a specific date?

    I'm trying to find a picture of Jupiter and its moons specifically on the date of October 20th of this year, but I Googled it and didn't find anything, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas of where else I could look? Thanks in advance.

    6 Câu trả lờiAstronomy & Space1 thập kỷ trước
  • Poll: The Smiths or the Cure?

    BQ: Favorite song from both?

    2 Câu trả lờiPolls & Surveys1 thập kỷ trước
  • Could Matt Schaub be a top quarterback?

    I watched a lot of stuff from him last year and though he was pretty good (of course having Andre Johnson and Owen Daniels doesn't hurt) but he's been doing very well so far this season (though the Texans defense has kind of been a let down). If he keeps a steady pace, and stays healthy this year, do you think he could or should be considered one of the best quarterbacks in the league?

    4 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • Officers smelling pot, searching vehicles?

    I'm a bit curious as to the legitimacy of probable cause through smelling pot by an officer. I've never had to worry about this, though I have been searched (though I fearfully consented) and pestered by officers for having bloodshot eyes during a pullover.

    Shouldn't an officer be required to prove he smells marijuana before being allowed to search a vehicle? For example, if you were to watch on the video recording most police vehicles have, you would be able to see if say, a drunk driver was swerving and be able to determine if the officer was justified in pulling over and whatnot. But how could you determine a specific scent through a video? Honestly, couldn't it be true that if an officer wanted to search your vehicle, all he would have to do is say he smells marijuana? It seems to me that it's a free pass to go through your car, if he so chooses.

    Any insight greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    8 Câu trả lờiLaw & Ethics1 thập kỷ trước
  • So how do the Redskins recover from this?

    I think Snyder should resign, Campbell should go, Zorn and Blache need to be fired. Fail to the Redskins.

    4 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • 'Skins fans: Are you a bit worried about the Lions?

    Last week the Redskins were heavily favored and barely squeaked by with a win without scoring a touchdown. The Rams' defense, which is less than stellar, stopped Portis at the goal line a couple times. The O-line is getting extremely poor run blocking, although the pass protection has been decent. Portis has yet to be the monster back he's been known to be, Moss has not started the season well and Campbell has been very hit or miss the first two weeks. In theory scoring on the Lions shouldn't be hard but I thought the same about the Rams, and the Lions are better defensively than last year.

    The defense has played fairly well, there's been good pressure (though not as many sacks as I would like), but third down they've been struggling and poor tackling (especially by Hall) has caused big plays for the opposing offenses. Fletcher's been great as usual though. But Calvin Johnson's a monster and Kevin Smith is a rising star, so I expect a touchdown or two to be given up.

    I, myself, am a little worried. Any opinions/predictions on the game?

    3 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • Why was Adrian Wilson's hit on Vernon Davis fined?

    What was the reasoning behind that? I didn't hear about this until now but why was he fined for that? It looked like a clean hit to me.

    1 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • Why does everyone think the Redskins are going to do bad this year?

    Everytime someone makes a topic about team predictions for the upcoming season, I see everyone pegging the Redskins at like 4 or 5 wins and want to know why everyone thinks that. They play in one of the toughest divisions, sure, but they had the 4th ranked defense last year and it looks like it will be better with Haynesworth and Orakpo. They have one of the better backs in the league, and two tall young receivers who could be really good, and a quarterback with great potential.

    They also have a pretty easy schedule:

    Week 1: @ NYG

    Week 2: STL

    Week 3: @ DET

    Week 4: TB

    Week 5: @ CAR

    Week 6: KC

    Week 7: PHI

    Week 9: @ ATL

    Week 10: DEN

    Week 11: @ DAL

    Week 12: @ PHI

    Week 13: NO

    Week 14: @ OAK

    Week 15: NYG

    Week 16: DAL

    Week 17: @ SD

    I'm not saying they're a shoe-in for the Super Bowl, but I mean how is a team that went 8-8 last year and full of potential going to be bottom of the barrel?

    10 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • Monk fans: Do you have a prediction...?

    On who Trudy's killer will be?

    And are you sad that the show will be gone soon?

    1 Câu trả lờiOther - Television1 thập kỷ trước
  • Any fans of the show Monk?

    Who do you think killed Trudy? I think it's someone Monk knows but I hope I'm wrong because I would hate it if it ended like that.

    4 Câu trả lờiPolls & Surveys1 thập kỷ trước
  • What do you think of the Lions game so far?

    I have to say Kevin Smith looks great and Daunte Culpepper looks pretty good too. Still a decent scrambler and even though he didn't connect, that was a pretty good pass to the endzone.

    3 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước
  • Bills/Titans predictions?

    I know preseason is mainly for gauging how well players do and who should get roster spots and all that, but what do you guys think the outcome of the game will be? Closest to the final score gets best answer.

    12 Câu trả lờiFootball (American)1 thập kỷ trước