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Michael M đã hỏi trong Local BusinessesUnited StatesLas Vegas · 1 thập kỷ trước

Referral Dentist in Henderson?

One of my caps broke on May 15. I did not take out my dental insurance at the job. So first need a good dentist. Second, need a reasonable dentist. I know this will cost close ot $1000.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciate.



I am in seven hills if you know someone local.

Thanks agian.

1 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • 1 thập kỷ trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    I live in Las Vegas and go to Dr. Pamela Caggiano (sp) on the corner of Pecos and Robindale (321 N. Pecos Ste 100, Hen, 89074). I recently had a couple of fillings replaced and she did a great job on it. Their phone number is 732-7878. Not sure how much she charges.

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