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7 Câu trả lời
- sherm22Lv 41 thập kỷ trướcCâu trả lời yêu thích
Raiders of the lost ark.
Great story. Classic scenes. Just right amount of darkness. And it's hard to beat the original.
- 1 thập kỷ trước
No ifs ands or buts, Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best, because after making such a great film, it was really hard for Spielberg to equal the power and excitement the first one had. The Temple of Doom had the very noisy and annoying Kate Capshaw, and The Last Crusade came close to being as good as the first, adding an all-star cast that includes most of the original cast, plus Sean Connery and the late River Phoenix. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was good, but nothing more than a get-together for old friends and kick-start for Harrison Ford's career.
- 1 thập kỷ trước
The first. (Raiders Of The Lost Arch) I like that one the best becuase it is really well writen. I felt that over the 4 movies, they kind of fell. It was a really solid movie, and i loved the lines in that one. It had some really awesome and memorable scenes too. (i.e.-the snake pit)The love intersest was also much better than that french blonde in the second. The last one (Crystal Skull) was really disapointing. Dont get me wrong, i still loved it but, it had a terrible ending. I mean *spoiler* space ships?! How lame. I was exspecting much better. But the charecters were good. The russian lady kind of bugged me. The whole movie was really unrealistic. The Third one (the last crusade) was ok...but the dad kind of annoyed me.
- 1 thập kỷ trước
Raiders of the Lost Ark because it had a very good plot and it captures your attention during every scene, especially for those who are not fans.
- Ẩn danh1 thập kỷ trước
I didnt see the newest one but Temple of Doom was always the best.