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afmedic12 đã hỏi trong Computers & InternetOther - Computers · 1 thập kỷ trước

How do i open a .pdf file to edit it?

i recieved an attachment via email that i need to edit and send back. i am able to view it but i can't fill in any of the blanks

5 Câu trả lời

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  • 1 thập kỷ trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    Unless you have Acrobat Professional you will need to extract the text and edit it in a word processor. I recommend PDFTextOnline. It's easy to use, free and works from your browser.

    Getting text and other content out of your PDF documents is often a hassle. Adobe Acrobat™ (or your other favorite PDF viewer) can do copy-and-paste, but that's time-consuming and tedious for anything but the smallest jobs. Acrobat™ also has a 'save as text' option, but unless you spring for Acrobat™ Professional, it often generates inaccurate text and simply cannot cope with some languages (especially Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).

  • Ẩn danh
    1 thập kỷ trước

    It sounds like you are trying to add text to a pdf.

    You can also try this free PDF editor:

    If you want to edit text in a file though, PDF edit is a good open source product for Linux, see:

  • Ẩn danh
    1 thập kỷ trước

    If you're on a mac, there is the application called Formulate Pro (it's free, despite the name / which you can use to add text to it.

    Otherwise, if you happen to have Photoshop, you can import it, make changes as an image, then "print" it as a PDF using other free software like PDF creator (

  • Ẩn danh
    4 năm trước

    Open the document in Acrobat, pass to document>save As and choose Encapsulated Postscript for document format. click on Settings and verify the Convert all text textile to outlines selection - i don't have CS5 yet in my version it relatively is on the Transparency knocking down tab. i've got stumbled on alongside with %. preview particularly than a Tiff one works extra effective. Open this .eps document in Illustrator - the fonts will now not replace as they are outlines, nor will they be rasterised. you would be waiting to elect and delete the circle applying the Direct selection gadget.

  • 1 thập kỷ trước

    You will need to get adobe reader to be able to edit it

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