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bangtown đã hỏi trong Science & MathematicsAstronomy & Space · 1 thập kỷ trước

How to contact to Professor Stephen Hawking?

I discover a new deduction about relation between light and time. And I want to show this to Professor Stephen Hawking.

Please help me by showing how to contact to Professor Stephen Hawking by Internet because i live in VietNam where is very far from America.


11 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • Mike
    Lv 7
    1 thập kỷ trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    Unfortunatley, you are about to become one of the dozens of people that pester and annoy virtually every major university's physics department.

    You have 'deduced' something about physics - quite likely with little more than high-school level science background, and reading a half dozen popular science books, and perhaps a couple crackpot websites. Now you feel that top level scientists should drop their current work, and spend hours, then days, then even weeks working on your particular idea, ill-founded or not, and if they show why your idea is incorrect or incompatible with the observed phenomena of the world, you will demand they take further time to explain it to you (no need for *you* to take any graduate-level physics course, of course - it should all be explainable to any high-school graduate).

    And even (in the very unlike chance) *if* they should convince you once, it will take no more than a couple days, and you will have re-arranged exactly the same argument you had before, but now, unrecognizable to *you*, it must be evaluated by the same people, yet again.

    All of which takes them away from their *own* work.

    And naturally, you need to have the most famous physicist in the world look at your material - because if a mere grad student at the local university was to dismiss you, why... that would be simply mortifying... but if you could get *his* direct attention - oh how your little heart would pitter-patter at the attention you would receive.

    Vietnam has universities - it even has some decent physics programs - try asking someone there first. You won't have the language barrier to contend with, and you won't get a form-letter from one of the secretaries to one of Professor Hawking's grad students telling you that Professor Hawking appreciates your time and effort in sending your information, but he isn't working in that particular field at this time, and he looks forward to seeing your work in a peer-reviewed physics journal.

    Which.. in essence... is what you would recieve.

  • Ẩn danh
    5 năm trước

    Stephen Hawking Email

    (Các) Nguồn:
  • 5 năm trước

    Contact with Aliens that come to Earth is a bad idea i think, but contact between planets (though would be ridiculously slow) would probably be beneficial for both parties. I think a 'look but don't touch' sort of policy would be best for us. That being said, because we don't have the experience of alien cultures (which would likely be wildly different from humans) we can only guess as to their nature. Hawking seems to be assuming that any aliens that we come into contact with will be self interested and violent, much like humans On a side note, the European invasion of North America had such a high death toll because of the variety of new diseases for which the natives had no resistance for.

  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước

    Stephen Hawking does not live in America

  • 1 thập kỷ trước

    He teaches at the university of Oxford, in the United Kingdom. You may want to look for his contacts at the university's web site.

    Although I do recommend you show your idea to other physicists beforehand. The guy has a couple of guys like you contacting him every week, and he's already "shielded" by all the crazy ideas.

    It's like you approaching a beautiful woman at a bar: no matter how good you are, her reflex is to reject you immediately and never even look in your direction, because she has HUNDREDS of men approaching her every week. But if you show up with other women under your arm, then the beautiful woman will at least be intrigued.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 thập kỷ trước

    Try contacting Cambridge University or Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics ..

  • spot a
    Lv 7
    1 thập kỷ trước

    You can get his contact information from his website below

    Publish your theory on the net, with the copyright symbol (hold down ALT key and press 0169 then release ALT key)

  • Ẩn danh
    5 năm trước

    this is lyrics have I got a story for you ,(

    Nowadays you put on a foil hat and wave around a flashlight while going "wooooo wooooo".

    well it worked I told n.a.s.a. a week before it happened if usa dosnt contact me ?

  • 6 năm trước

    Professor- it seems to me that the difference between science and faith is that science has to be proven and faith is sometihing one addepts and believes in. I am sorry to learn that you do not believe in God..Linda Grimm

  • 6 năm trước

    Ignore everyone that is not for your discovery! You should contact him. I would also like to hear what you have to say about the light/time relation.

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