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afmedic12 đã hỏi trong Games & RecreationVideo & Online Games · 9 năm trước

Dead Island, There and Back Again advice?

I'm playing Dead Island while deployed on an unpatched xbox. I'm in Chapter 3 (just finished main quest line at the lifeguard station). I'm currently level 19, have completed 23 sidequests, 5 continuous quests, and 7 main quests. I've spent hours just running and driving around yet I am only 10/72 discovered. How far off par am i? I feel like the number should be much higher

Cập nhật:

I went through the Resort this afternoon, it added quite a few areas. Gave me a bit more confidence.

2 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • 9 năm trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    You get to go to different areas later in the game. Look for green sort of foggy areas on your map, the new places are usually found on missions so just keep playing them.

    (Các) Nguồn: almost done with the game.
  • 9 năm trước

    Haha considering that there are about 16 Chapters, and 4 Acts, I'd say that you're fairly on track my friend.

    I play dead island while I am underway, so I know your pain! :P

    Be an achievement whore! It's a good way to kill time!

    (Các) Nguồn: I played, beat, and completed the game.
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