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Ask Datukgong đã hỏi trong PetsDogs · 9 năm trước

Is it normal for a dog to eat it's on waste?

I had a 8 months old German Sheaperd, it always lick and eat a small portion of it's own waste, is this normal?

8 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • Ẩn danh
    9 năm trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    Yes its perfectly normal. Dogs do this because mainly they arent getting all the nutrients they need so eating their waste is a solution for them, and eating other dogs' waste. What we did with our dog is bought her doggy vitamin supplements and mixed it in with her food and pineapple. Your dog will not eat its poo if it has pineapple in it. Dogs dont like the taste. There are a lot of things you can buy that you can give your dog that stops them from eating their waste but remember why there doing it in the first place. Lack of vitamins. X good luck

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 năm trước

    The troll strikes again in the vegan sectionj! LoL but really, I'm sure eating a dog is as normal as eating a pig or cow. I mean, whats the difference?

  • Cheryl
    Lv 7
    9 năm trước

    there are two reasons a dog will eat its own waste - behavioural and medical ... it is best to rule out the medical first cuz if the dog has parasites or something, that needs to be taken care of ... and once medical is ruled out you can deal with the behaviour ... first of all, all poop should be cleaned up immediately so the dog does not have access to the poop ... if the dog has a poop and immediately turns to snack, then the dog should be on a leash and a gentle tug, firm no, away from the poop ... there are also things you can add to the dog's food to make the poop taste bad to the dog, i have heard people use pineapple ... and you can leave a decoy poop covered in hot sauce which is also effective ... but ruling out a medical issue would be where you should start ...

  • 5 năm trước

    So don't let them to eat their waste, waste mean that is dirty. Maybe your Dog will have any disease like parvo.

  • Ẩn danh
    9 năm trước

    Is it normal for a chinese man to eat a dog? It is to him.

    The answer you're seeking is not so simple, to me the answer is no its not normal. but from the dogs point of view, it could be very normal.

    (Các) Nguồn: Philosophy
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 năm trước

    If a dog eats any kind of feces it is lacking vital nutrition. And for a dog that young it's bad. You need to seek veterinary advice for your dog, and you will need to change it's diet to a better, (probably more expensive) dog food.

    (Các) Nguồn: Had dogs all my life
  • 9 năm trước

    Its fine.

  • 9 năm trước

    it means his undernourished try better diet

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