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Michael M đã hỏi trong Cars & TransportationCar MakesFord · 7 năm trước

How do you reset the time for oil change light '13 Fiesta?

Car is a 2013 Ford Fiesta. I have a manual transmission, so the placing the foot on the gas and brake does not work, like noted in the operator's manual.

There is amber light in the speedometer that is glowing. Also, where the clock is located, a message will signal saying check or change oil. I hit the OK button with no results.

So, I am confused. Want to turn it off. Will go to Ford or a service place on Monday, but it is Saturday night now.

I know there's lot of techs that follow these pages.

Appreciate any assistance you can offer

Cập nhật:

Mr. Tony. Sunday next day Tried your solution. Did not work.

I had the engine on and did the OK but did not cancel the amber light. Will go to the service center on Mon, 4/7. Appreciate your fast response but did not work. If you have another solution, will take your guidance.


Cập nhật 2:

Changed the oil on 4/7. The tech resolved my issue. Sorry the suggestions did not work on the reset of my check oil light.

Appreciate the comments on this site.

Cập nhật 3:

Changed the oil on 4/7. The tech resolved my issue. Sorry the suggestions did not work on the reset of my check oil light.

Appreciate the comments on this site.

3 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • 7 năm trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    I am a Ford Tech. To reset the light you are correct.. you would hold the gas pedal and brake pedal to the floor when you turn the key into the on position engine off. Hold for thrity seconds..

  • 7 năm trước

    Check out this post:

    They also have a free mobile phone app that has every vehicles oil light reset procedure in it. Super helpful for any technicians that do this everyday. Hope this helps someone.

  • Tony
    Lv 7
    7 năm trước

    press ok and hold it till it resets

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