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Lv 7
? đã hỏi trong Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 7 năm trước

An essential part of a scientific theory is ...?

An essential part of a scientific theory is that it is potentially falsifiable. For example, the finding of a chimera (mixture of two different organisms like a mermaid or centaur) would require a major revision of the basic aspects of evolution. Since no such chimera has been found, such a revision isn't needed.

My question for creationist is - is the idea of creationism potentially falsifiable. If so, what might disprove it. Because if nothing can disprove it, you can't call creationist study a 'science'.

7 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • Câu trả lời yêu thích

    One has to wonder where the observable data was that led to the creationist hypothesis in the first place...

  • 7 năm trước

    Also, science is the study of verifiable facts and provable theories, not by definition, but that is what it is at it's core. We can't verify that creationism is true, as it lacks evidence that can be seen, shown, or witnessed. ACTUAL evidence, you can't point at a a flower you don't understand and say "God did it." Also, you can't prove it happened, you can't prove it because you can't test it. How do you test creationism? But you can test evolution.

    Lastly, I don't think you can apply the scientific method to creationism as it is a belief system rather a scientific theory. If creationists insist it is theory, then no meaningful conversatin can be had.

  • 7 năm trước

    Polymerase chain reactions, applied to DNA for genetic replication, mutation, and/or manipulation, can and have created such chimeras. Just because you don't see bigfoot, doesn't mean he isn't there. If I plant a seed in a fertile garden, it will grow because the adjective describing the garden denotes such a property for said seed. The seed grows, blossoms, and blooms to be the most beautiful flower in all the land. I planted the seed. I created; therefore, I am creationist by nature. What, if nothing, cannot disprove it?

  • Ẩn danh
    7 năm trước

    Ken Ham nailed this one during the debate:

    "Nothing can disprove my god."

    He is clearly one of the brilliant minds of the century, aiming to lead people into a perfect path, by showing his scientific proficiency. [/sarcasm]

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 năm trước

    Creation doesn't have to be falsifiable. As a scientific theory though, evolution has to be.

  • Ẩn danh
    7 năm trước

    IF rational arguments worked on religious people there’d be no religious people. (House)


  • It is just that - a theory! :D

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