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12 Câu trả lời
- 6 năm trước
Moments of happiness exist, they have a certain limit of time. Consistent happiness however, as in saying that you 'are an happy person' does not exist. You can't be an happy person, because life consists of sadness and pain too, in most cases, it's more of that actually.
- ?Lv 56 năm trước
An old Spanish saying goes: "There is no happiness; there are just moments of happiness".
Reduce your expectations. Learn to distinguish between your needs, which are few, and your wants, which may be numerous. Reduce your wants to the level of preferences.
The five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
Read: So you want to be happy? : stop chasing happiness and feel good - most of the time
by Sherwood, Peter. New Holland, 2004. & The happy plan : the complete diet and lifestyle plan for natural happiness by Yabsley, Charmaine. Collins & Brown, 2006., & "Better than Chocolate 50 proven ways to feel happier": Siimon Reynolds. Penguin Books. ISBN 0 14 300296 1 (THE SPELLING IS CORRECT!)., & Why Your Life Sucks, by Alan N. Cohen. This book helps you focus on the ways we sabotage our own happiness, & Escape Life Sucks Syndrome: Stop Life from Sucking You Dry, Stealing Your Passion and Making You Miserable by Brian H Norris, from your bookstore, or
Check out HAPPINESS Try & as well.
A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes. Hugh Downs
I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it. Groucho Marx (1895-1977)
People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln
It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness.
Thomas Jefferson
Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind; view about what it is, and isn't. 85% of people are suggestible to some degree; 15% - 20% highly so, and 15% - 20% aren't much at all, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy, or, if not an option, has: Feel Happy Every Day.
A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
John Milton, Paradise Lost, Chapter 1 (1667)
- 6 năm trước
In degrees, yes. In total probably not. In the Matrix movie, the machines created a first matrix of pure happiness because it was believed this would make man the most controllable failed because it was found man's true nature is to struggle.
We are not happy when we 'want' because we do not have. But if we had everything we want, we would lose the struggle and purpose for life. Happiness must be balanced with sadness in a cycle, like the seasons. It is the human condition.
- ?Lv 56 năm trước
Happiness is like a cookie. You have to have the right ingredients to make a happy situation. Then you need to start with warming the soul, throwing in at least one smile, two cupfuls of hope, a dash of ingenuity and forming the perfect scenario. When you've learned to commit to making your happiness, it will be the most deliciously enjoyable time you've ever made! A happiness cookie is mouth watering just to think about, isn't it? :)
- FlandreLv 46 năm trước
It does.
Sure, you'll have bad days, and days where you feel like you can never smile again; trust me, I've had those days.
But never forget, everything's got an end, and a beginning. Happiness is one of those things.
- rustyLv 46 năm trước
Yes, there are hormones like endorphins and dopamine that have Been proven to exist, they cause happiness
- 6 năm trước
"This futile search for happiness"
Now that you have realized that happiness hardly ever comes by wanting to be happy, the obvious thing is to not to want to be happy. For so long we all have wanted to be happy, tried to be happy, without being happy.
It has been years, years and decades that you have been wanting to be happy, trying to be happy, trying to achieve happiness, and planning for happiness. And none of that seems to be working. Not for you, not for me, not for anybody else. Obviously, it is futile. Drop it, don’t follow it. Don’t want to be happy. Recall your moments of ecstasy, when you were so joyful that you had forgotten everything else. Recall those moments. In those moments, were you still trying to be happy? In those moments, were you planning about the next day?
Who plans for happiness? The one who is not happy. What is happening is, that in planning for happiness you are constantly telling yourself that- “I am not happy.” In constantly looking at a great future, you are telling yourself that there is something wrong with this day, this moment. When you are constantly telling yourself that- “I am not happy right now, there is something wrong with this day,” then what is happening? You are always ending up finding that there is something wrong with this day. You are always ending up finding some reason to be unhappy.
The one who is happy, is just happy. He does not want to be happy. He is just happy.
Happiness is happiness. What prevents you to be happy right now? Challenge it. What prevents your happiness every moment? Ambitions, notions, emotions, beliefs about happiness, prevent you from being happy. If you have told yourself that- “I will have the right to be happy only when I attain that dream job,” then you have condemned yourself to live in sorrow till you get that job. Is that not what we keep doing? Is that not what parents keep telling their children? “You will be worthy, even worthy of love, only when you will get that particular result.” And that result is always in future.
By telling someone that you will be good enough, you will be lovable, only if you turn out in a particular way, you are telling him that you are not alright as you are ‘now’. You are giving the child a deep inferiority complex. You are telling the child, “Unless you win the race, you are worthless. You don’t deserve our love. Go, become something. Only then you will get our love. Only then you will get respect.”
Even our love is not unconditional.
You have taken that all that in. The same notion has been internalized by you. You constantly tell yourself that happiness is a goal. You have told yourself that happiness is a goal in the distant future. You have told yourself that only achiever has the right to be happy. You have told yourself that you will be happy on that particular beautiful, special day. But that special day never comes. So, when will you be happy?
Stop trying to be happy. Stop wanting happiness. That special happy day will never come. That special day is either right now, or never.
For more Clarity read here
- ?Lv 76 năm trước
For thousands of years people have pursued happiness, but the problem has been that it has always been seen as a kind of fuzzy concept.