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Lv 4
Adam đã hỏi trong HealthMental Health · 6 năm trước

How can I stop being a miserable person?

6 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • 5 năm trước

    If you want to make people to do anything in once perhaps not to tell them what they want to do then you need a program like Black Ops Hypnosis, a on line plan you will think it is here and which will coach you on how to utilize hypnosis without each other know.


    Black Ops Hypnosis it'll show you the hypnosis technique. With this specific method you will have a way to hypnotize your self and others about you for your benefit.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 năm trước

    I'll give you my universal advice for this, and many such situations:

    If you don't like what you're doing, then STOP doing it.

    Many people keep themselves in the "corner" because it's their comfort zone. They're afraid to change and look for a different (better) situation.

    I hope that you can make sense/use of what I said. I wish you the best. Acknowledging your predicament is the first step in getting out of it.

  • 6 năm trước

    Learn some basic meditation and/or self-hypnosis techniques and use them to combat the negative thoughts and grow the positive ones.

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    6 năm trước

    Please tell me who asked you to start such noble ventures. If you don't indulge in such misadventures, it will stop on its own automatically. You need not put any extra or special efforts for this purpose.

    (Các) Nguồn: own
  • 6 năm trước

    Find something you like to do, and do it. Something productive would be the best to raise your self-esteem, to make you feel useful.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 năm trước

    read up on the Law Of Attraction

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