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Adam đã hỏi trong Home & GardenOther - Home & Garden · 6 năm trước

What do the earwigs want?

Im trying to sit outside and enjoy my summer but there are nasty friggin earwigs! They crawl all over my table, my chair, me...UGH! Is there any way to get rid of them?

1 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • 6 năm trước

    Locate any rotting organic materials piled up around your house. That's what they eat--rotting wood, tree bark, vegetables on the ground in your garden--anywhere there is damp and shaded you will find earwigs. They love to nest under the bark of some trees--particularly catalpa trees or any of them with bark that sheds and wood that is soft. And they love vegetables from the squash family that crawl along the ground with large soft vines. Trap them by burying a dish of vegetable oil in the dirt next to where you see them most--bury the dish or can of oil up to the rim of the container--so it's level with the ground. They crawl in, but won't be able to get out. And dry out any piles of brush or wood you have laying around. They aren't harmful to humans, even though they look icky--and they're vegetarians, so they won't EAT YOU either. Still, you may not want them in your garden destroying plants. The wetter it's been, the more you will see.

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