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106 Câu trả lời
- Needful SinnerLv 76 năm trước
"Are human the kindest species on the earth?"
No, but the female of our species wins the 'looks the best in yoga pants' over the rest of the species on the earth.
That's something at least.
(the day a gazelle stops on the side of the road in the pouring down rain to help a woman with a flat tire like I have, be sure to call me - in the meantime I hear a starfish is the front runner for the Nobel Prize...)
Humans are many things dear friend including the meanest and the sweetest... there are indeed very kind people out there. But what exactly is 'a kind species'? Kind in what way...
It's subjective. I got stung by a bee before - that doesn't mean the bee was evil or unkind, does it?
Even roses have thorns.
:) Have a wonderful day!
- 6 năm trước
Probably not. We are the only or one of the only species that kills each other. But we are probably the most capable which doesn't necessary mean smartest. Dolphins are known to be smart but they cannot walk on land so it would be hard to rule the earth. However it could be argued that since humans can't live in the water which is more than 70% of earth's space why can't dolphins rule the world. Well maybe dolphins or some other sea creature rules the sea and seemingly there own world though we surely rule the land and affect the water. But we are not complete tyrants. In fact I don't think we should be ashamed at all for we are probably the deepest sentimental species and therefore able to do beautiful things and enjoy the world because of each other. Also animals can only do so many things while we can enjoy things like sports, games, reading, puzzles, cooking that animals really cannot to such a great extent as us. We are not the kindest specie on earth but we are probably the ones who experience the most pain and therefore joy.
- 6 năm trước
I don't think its a matter of being kind. Lions might seem mean because they kill other animals, but they're just living. Its the same thing with mosquitoes or spiders. They aren't being mean, they just have to survive. Humans are kind of the same but all species have certain animals that have a bad temper. If there was such thing as the kindest species, humans wouldn't be the answer. Humans do a lot of terrible things. Even the nicest person is conditioned to judge others and hurt others even if it is self defense. While its normal, and maybe the right thing to do, It still isn't necessarily kind. I'm not sure your question is the right one. Maybe a better one would be asking what the most friendly creature is, or soft-tempered.
- dawonzcherLv 56 năm trước
There maybe a great majority of humans who do not belong to that category, and many are said not worthy to be called humans, but certainly, there are a few humans who are really that kind; a kindness no other species can compare with.
Technically speaking, humans has the kindest among other species on Earth.
- Ẩn danh6 năm trước
Humans have the capability of being kind and cruel. They are not necessarily the kindest species, since they have stronger feelings of negativity than other animals. At the same time, humans have a huge amount of altruism and sympathy. I believe there is no way to determine if they are the kindest species, based on the wide variety of personalities and motivations of humans.
- 6 năm trước
Can't say this surely..
Humans are the only species on the earth who have ability to choose whether he wants to become kind or cruel. In humans there are many examples of kind persons while there are also many examples of cruel person. So the fact is Only humans know the difference between kind and cruel and we can't surely say that humans are the kindest species on the earth.
- 6 năm trước
Humans have the capability to be kind, but we often dont, there are people out there who have done horrible things, there are people out there who give zero shits about anything but themselves.But there is also kind people out there. But humans usually forget the good, have you ever realized that? You remember the fights you had with people over the good times, I think its in our genetics because, say you are a caveman and then you go somewhere to gather food and you get these awesome berries or something, then next time you are there you get attacked by a bear, you will remember that place for the bear and not the berries, so no humans are not the kindest because, the by there nature are for themselves, and with all there knowledge complicate it a whole lot more (you dont see lions dropping atomic bombs on hyenas because they dont like them) Humans have but the world we live on in danger far more then animals have, because humans strive for some greater, easier way to do stuff.
- 6 năm trước
That's tricky, because obviously we are all so different, I mean Martin Luther King and Hitler are both humans, but both represent different aspects of our humanity. Although some humans can show great kindness, I don't think we are the kindest species on earth - we are too cruel and selfish generally. I mean look at the internet: people constantly post mean and nasty comments, often, without even thinking it through properly.
- 6 năm trước
No, I wouldn't say we're the kindest species on earth. Most human kindness is contrived and hypocritical. Plus, if it's humans that are saying that humans are the kindest species then you have to question it.
- ?Lv 76 năm trước
As you can see. the general mantra of the progressives is that man is the most evil species to walk on earth, some even implying that we have not progressed to even a small degree from our initial, uncultured roots in the distant historical past, at a time when our brains were quite different from today. This is what is being taught today in institutions of "higher learning" - and such learning conditions the sorts of concepts one is able to consider .
If you ask the question what species are capable of compassion and empathy I think humans are at the top of the list, perhaps followed by elephants and porpoises and some primates.
So, I think the answer is "yes".