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Lv 4
Adam đã hỏi trong Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 6 năm trước

Is it bad that I don't do hookups?

I'm just too shy and have to trust someone before I can sleep with them or have sex with them. Except I also feel like I'm missing out in meeting people.

4 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước

    Dude or girl your fine. You don't have to be going around sleeping with random people. Only girls with no respect and no self-esteem. I would really go out with someone like you because you would want to get to know the person first. Sex is special only between two people that love each other. You could catch a virus or worse. Look there's a lot of people in the world guys and girls. You should go out more to be more socialiable and break the barriers of you and antisocial.

  • 6 năm trước

    You never have to do something that you don't want to do. You shouldn't feel pressured to sleep with someone in order to get to know them. If someone is pressuring you then they're probably not the right person for you. If someone is telling you that you need to have sex in order to get to know someone then they're wrong. Go at your own pace and do whatever feels right for you.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 năm trước

    You shouldn't feel obligated to sleep with someone no matter the situation. If you don't enjoy one night stands or casual hook-ups. That's fine. If someone only wants to be your friend or partner just to have sex, than they are not worth your time.

  • 6 năm trước

    No, it is much smarter to do as you do. You can meet people without exposing your genitals.

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