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mister-damus đã hỏi trong Social ScienceGender Studies · 6 năm trước

Men are now responsible for a woman's bad choices?

Apparently, "the patriarchy" is responsible for the death of Amy Winehouse, and not the fact that she chose to be a substance abuser.

She also made some bad romance choices, (but didn't seem to want to get out of them).

I don't remember "male entitlement" being blamed for Janis Joplin, who was eulogized after her drug abuse death. But I wasn't around then so who knows.

Does that mean women can now do whatever they want guilt-free because men are ultimately responsible? Does that mean we (men) can also take responsibility for their successes? Or is it just their failures?

14 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    Feminist are just misguided individuals.Feminism gives them something to live for.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 năm trước

    "Men are now responsible for a woman's bad choices?"

    No, they are not. And after reading that article, and then sussing out the "journalist" and the website, I can see that THIS is what a MASTERS DEGREE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF GENDER, SEXUALITY AND WOMEN’S STUDIES gets you. A coveted "journalist" positon on a blog that you create yourself.

    You should always first determine the source before reading anything with such a fantastic headline. I can tell you right now that EVERY story coming from this "journalist" will be exactly the same, as they are all coming from he same feminist script.

    How can we take this "journalism" seriously. I just wasted 4 minutes of my life I will never get back.

  • 6 năm trước

    You can't seriously expect Winehouse to take personal responsibility for her actions, that's a misogynist concept.

  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước

    Does that mean women can now do whatever they want guilt-free because men are ultimately responsible? Does that mean we (men) can also take responsibility for their successes? Or is it just their failures? - to answer you directly, you can do what you like - it doesn't mean anything

    but i think hugging a native ad or a tree might be more proffitable - don't you

  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước


    I probably never admitted that I am responsible for Rome's conquest of Carthage - but I was just following my orders from The Patriarchy.

    Yeah, it was my fault. Sorry.

  • mk
    Lv 5
    6 năm trước

    According to feminists, men are the only source of their problems. So yeah blame men for everything. that goes bad.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 năm trước

    The concept of personal responsibility is difficult for many women to grasp.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 năm trước

    It means they don't want to do a damned thing.

  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước

    Lol, why are you taking that seriously, clearly a delusioned Winehouse fan trying to romanticize what happened, shifting blame(teens do it all the time with 1D, Bieber, Ariana Grande, it's always the World's fault).

  • 6 năm trước

    Well, in the case of Janis Joplin, someone took another little piece of her heart.

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