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mister-damus đã hỏi trong Social ScienceGender Studies · 6 năm trước

Should Air conditioners be banned for sexism?

According to some guy (Marc Hill), he believes air conditioning is sexist against women because the settings used keep men comfortable.

He whines about how women have blankets and scarves in the office (but makes no mention of how men need to wear suits, even in the summer, whereas women can wear "summer clothes").

He even called a mathematical equation 'sexist'. Fortunately, the scientist (a biophysicist from the Netherlands) set him straight.

So what say ye? Are men (and air conditioning) sexist pigs for keeping the workplace cool? Should we only make things comfortable for women? Or should women dress more appropriately? (i.e. no low cut tops, short skirts, semi-transparent blouses, spaghetti straps, etc. or whatever women like to wear to work?)

I'm referring to the following article:

7 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    This is SO stupid.

    How pathetic and desperate must feminists be to remain relevant.

  • 6 năm trước

    When an air conditioner can talk with prejudice against one gender over another or when Mother Nature is known as Androgynous Nature ... maybe.

  • Ẩn danh
    6 năm trước

    Neither side of this argument has anything to do with gender politics. This is conflict for the sake of conflict. You'll find stuff like this all over tumblr and yahoo answers. The best thing you can do is ignore it, the less attention this crap gets the better

  • 6 năm trước

    We HAVE the technology. We have heating and cooling systems, lighting, refrigeration, microwave ovens, telephones, Linux, and ALL the systems an office would need to make the environment comfortable for women.

    There is no need at all for women in a modern office ever to wear clothing.

    Except maybe their shoes.

  • 6 năm trước

    This is just ******* stupid. The room temparute is designed to be ideal for most people. Not everyone can be satisfied, it applies everywhere in life. Besides, its not even much of a difference between when and women when it comes to temperature ffs..

  • 4 năm trước

    don't really wear skirts or dresses but an extended one would be better than a short one

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 năm trước

    never wear any long dress or skirt because of my elevation, you are created because of it look shorter and fatter.

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