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? đã hỏi trong Social ScienceGender Studies · 5 năm trước

Do you think women suffered more from slavery than men?

Harriet Jacobs once said, "Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women." I have to write an essay on whether I agree with her. I don't agree with her because women and men went through suffering. Is that a valid point?

15 Câu trả lời

Mức độ liên quan
  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 năm trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    Slave women were routinely sexually victimized, in addition to everything else that men also endured. It's an extra level of violation of one's personhood and dignity that only people who have been sexually abused or raped can really understand.

    But that being said, I don't think that a pissing contest between who had it worse is of any benefit. Slavery was and is unconscionable. Full stop. Who was made more of a victim is irrelevant. It's an abhorrent practice that must be ferreted out and abolished across the whole world.

  • 5 năm trước

    Your question seems to compare slave men to free women (as if they were slaves to men).

    The most privileged, protected, and pampered demographic in history still think that they are victims. Women were never oppressed. The historical world of women was one of "being protected and provided for".

    It is a portrait not of the oppressed but of the privileged and it begs a good many questions that need to be answered. For instance, how many times in history did we have slaves with first rights to a seat in a lifeboat when the ship went down? Which slave masters were compelled to go off to war to protect the lives of their slaves? How many oppressors tore their own bodies down with brutal labor so that they could provide food and shelter for those they oppressed? 0 sounds like a good number. It also makes one wonder, or certainly should, how many slave masters had to get on their knees before their prospective slaves bearing gold and jewels to ask permission to be their master? How many slaves could say no and wait for a better deal?

    (Các) Nguồn: The Feminist Definition of Oppression The Myth of Women's Oppression
  • 5 năm trước

    I think that often women were raped made it worse. They often had children out of wedlock. The other thing is that often children were taken from them. Not to say that fathers don't care but mothers were closer to their children and they did the day to day care. I think it would be one of the worst things to have your children taken away from you to be sold to someone that might be just terrible to them. I don't think that slavery was easy on anyone.

  • 5 năm trước

    Not until I have a good reason to think this. On planet Earth, women outlive men in every country, on average. Pretty sure there's some gynocentrism at work in the species. That would probably extend to women who are kept as slaves.

  • J M
    Lv 7
    5 năm trước

    Was the suffering equal? Women went through being raped and forced to bear children of the master. There is no comparison to that.

  • Ẩn danh
    5 năm trước

    It's horrible for all but since women can get pregnant there is an added layer of torture there. Especially if the woman at least wants to keep her baby. Likely she wouldn't be able to. It would probably get sold off or killed.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 năm trước

    I dont know but I think there were probably more male slaves and they were probably put to doing the hard labor. because women are biologically not as strong as men and the men were more capable to doing harder labor. they probably had more jobs that needed hard labor so they took more men.

  • 5 năm trước

    No. Women were raped, often repeatedly. Often they were sex slaves, forced to have sex with whomever their master demanded. They were forced to have the children of the rape. (Abortion was legal in the US at the time.) And even if they were non rape children, they were stolen from them and sold to others. They were also abused a lot more often then the men were. And pregnant or not, they still had to do heavy labor.

    It was worse. Check out the website below for actual documented information.

  • Ẩn danh
    5 năm trước

    I think on balance, given the choice, I'd rather be enslaved as a man.. all other things being equal

  • 5 năm trước

    the implied message in this quote is that women were often used sexually by their masters, a terrible reality for female slaves throughout the ages.

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