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Lv 4
? đã hỏi trong Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 năm trước

Ted Cruz: 'What Steve King said was stupid'?

5 Câu trả lời

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  • 2 năm trước
    Câu trả lời yêu thích

    SOME of you people are giving me grief for not being down with white supremacy. Nice. Anyway, Ted Cruz, longtime friend of King, also called him out:

    Yes, Cruz is well known Canadian Supremacist, but if HE thinks this is bad, surely we can’t just act like this is media bias…

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 năm trước

    And.... it took 10 days for McCarthy to totally cave and offer up a sacrifice to the PC Alter. Steve King is NOT a racist. To shame him and run him out of DC, tarred and feathered is a disgrace.

    When will we have a published list of all the perverts who used OUR MONEY to silence their accusers? When will we have justice for the crimes of all those dirty cops at the FBI subverting a national election? When will we punish Tlaib and Omar for their anti-Semitism support of BDS movement? When will Farrakhan be thrown off the internet? Why is Angela Davis tolerated and celebrated in this country? When will Linda Sarsour be removed from her national soap box, silenced and stripped of any further opportunity to make money in this country? When will Jorge Ramos be deported for all his faux racist accusations? When will every person who villainizes white men have to wear a big scarlet R on their foreheads?

    Hypocrisy is rampant. Rules (whether laws or speech rules) are for YOU and ME but never for those who actually commit offenses. This society of ours is very sick.

  • Ẩn danh
    2 năm trước
  • humpty
    Lv 7
    2 năm trước

    I never thought I would agree with Ted Cruz. Hell must have frozen over.

  • Ẩn danh
    2 năm trước

    The pot calling the kettle a racist.

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